We came here for experiences don’t forget about that.

We didn’t become physical in order to be only a thinkers. We came here to do, to speak, to create and to think also but not just that.

Spirit wanted to become a flash for some reason, in order to go through some specific experiences. Your Soul wanted to learn some specific lessons from those experiences.

* * *

There was a period in our history when people had deeply forgotten about their spirituality and connection with the Source, so many great Teachers (like Jesus and others) had come to remind us that we are not just flash and bone but Spirit also.

But it is not good in the other way, in this era of spirituality blossoming to deny your materiality. It is another extreme also. In order to be really “highly developed spiritual being” I witnessed some people totally are forgetting that they are living on Earth, with humans! Sometimes they go in some dirty clothing, not bathing, hating other humans for being not so spiritual as them etc.

We are unique combination of Spirit with human experience in this specific body. Our bodies have its own intelligence and energy. In order to combine these generally speaking two tings – Spirit and material, there is need to be COMPASSION, COMPATIBILITY AND WELCOMING between them. Material is anyway just different type of energy. So those energies need to be compatible in order to combine (same principal as for LAW of Attracting, like attracts like).

Contemplate on this.

As soon as you accept this you will be in sync. In deeper meaning, your body is reflecting your Soul in some way.

Life is for living not for thinking about life and not doing anything.

#Stop overthinking, over analyzing, worrying too much and start doing things!

And see how you feel when taking some actions, and pay attention to how it works for all, is there some positive outcome or what? And if you are not satisfied, try again, try something different which brings more joy and happiness for everybody.


Understand that life is more like work in progress and less like some final destination which you need to achieve.

You are constantly growing and changing, and with rising your vibration life just becoming richer, with more colors, more fulfilling,

like constantly adding some new layers into your life.


Go out, do some things that excites you, meet with people you are attracted to and see where it goes.

Just live your life! IT IS spirituality.




I understand the role of my body in my life.

I appreciate my body.

I am grateful for everything that my body is doing for me even without my conscious knowledge.

I am ready for life.

I have all it is needed to live my life to the fullest.

I know how to let my Soul and my body to work together, in harmony.

It is safe for me to be divinely guided from Spirit.

I am opened to receive messages from my body and Soul.

I understand messages that my Soul is sending to me.

I am safe, protected and secure when I follow my Soul’s messages.

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LOVE in the time of CORONA

Fri Mar 27 , 2020
[:en] Viruses are living beings that coexist equally with us on this planet. Microorganisms are part of this planet too. The goal is to coexist in […]