Here and there people who don’t know me and see me for the first time, label me and treat me like stupid. Like I am some kind of non-informed, non-educated and basically not worthy of existing person.

This amuses me a lot! And when I was younger, I used to play out with those people and keeping them in that opinions just for fun! I don’t do that anymore (cause I am grown up now, right?) but still it is so amusing even now!

You know why?

Because, officially I am MENSA member.

I am part of 1-2% of total population with intelligence highly above average – in range of a genius and I am for sure (tested and documented) NOT STUPID.

I am also very well educated in many fields, I have Master degree and always learning something…

And people still here and then, label me as, politely to say – not smart.




This fact about my intelligence just served as example to demonstrate how even such thing obvious like that could be misunderstood from other people easily; people could easily force their perspective about us to us and if we are not confident enough or not cautionary enough – that’s it! We absorbed it right a way and minute after that it becomes part of us!

And what we think – we become and create that in our reality!


AXIOM: We live in a world surrounded with people. Each and single one of them has their own opinions about everything.


SPIRITUAL WISDOM: It is normal and person’s birthright to have their own opinions and perspectives about world around them including their opinions about me. Their perspectives are only that – THEIR perspectives and not mine. I also have right and personal FREE WILL TO DECIDE is their opinion is going to be also one of mine or not.

Other people’s perspective doesn’t affect me in any way – only if I allow that. I live my life in conformity with mine HIGHEST TRUTH. Not yours. I am who I CHOOSE TO BE, I choose and not you about my life. No matter if you can or cannot see totality of my personality I am still here and still existing in all my fullness. And this is also true for everyone of you!

We came here as unique and authentic personalities. We are all ONE OF A KIND!



Ask yourself – how many times you accepted other people’s opinions as your own? Consciously? Unknowingly?

How many times you allowed other people’s opinions about you to hurt you?

How many times you fall into believing that that other person narrowed and distorted perspective about you is actually true for you?

How many times you allowed that other people perspectives actually create your reality in a way that you don’t like it?

Do you have many diversely opinions about yourself which creates confusion in your head and you don’t know what is true?

What is your HIGHEST PERSPECTIVE about your life?

Who you really are when you are liberated from others perspectives?


We came here as complex beings, we generated many beliefs, perspectives and opinions through our own experiences, but we also gather a lot from our parents, ancestors, collective consciences and some of them we introduced from past lives into current one. Many of them could be contradictory and totally opposite with each other, some of them can serve as well, some of them don’t so much.

Great thing is that we can resolve all of this, and have only those opinions, believes which serve us. One of those ways to handle this is through Theta healing but this is not the only way.

It is time for all of us to start to nurture ours and another people uniqueness. It covers everything about them, their habits, they way of looking, opinions, lifestyle etc. It is finally OK for you to BE YOU. It might take courage to start moving in that direction but it brings only good things and it is liberating and fulfilling in the same way.

Be free to be you – it is your part, your responsibility.

Don’t let other people to tell you WHO YOU ARE.  You decide.



I respect and acknowledge other people’s right to have their own opinions.

It is their birthright to have their own perspectives.

It is my birthright to have my own perspectives.

I can choose my own thoughts.

I respect and nurture our differences.

I know the best about myself, who I am and what is the best for me.

I don’t need other person approvals to live my life on my own. It is my birthright.


JOKE FOR THE END: I decided many years ago not to be smart 24/7. It is acceptable for me to have sometimes stupid reactions and actions. So what? I will survive. It is all life!



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